While I was gone with the youth on a pioneer trek, I stayed out late to watch the stars a few nights. I've fallen in love with capturing the sky.... I'm not very good yet, but I'm slowing figuring it out. There's just something so awesome about a perfectly still night where the stars are shining brightly and I feel so so small. It reminds me that life is beautiful, even in the dark times.
Unconditional love has always been a bit of a mystery to me. I mess up again and again but somehow they love me anyway. While it's not a gift I feel I always deserve, I hope they know it forever goes both ways. They are my light and reason to keep trying.
I'm so grateful God gave us the ability to love so deeply.. it's the most beautiful and painful part of living.
octonauts {cake}
He wanted an Octonauts cake.. so I did my best. It's a little ghetto, but he was happy.
Love him.
three {g}
Our boy is 3!
This kid is pure delight. He is sweet, kind, and loving. He loves all things boy; balls, cars, superheroes, guns, swords, wrestling, pestering his sisters, and tv. :) I've had a hard time breaking him from his tv habit since he broke his leg. (He's finally almost walking normal again!) He loves watching shows. He loves Octonauts, Mickey Mouse, Big Hero 6, and anything else I let him watch. He's notorious for saying "this is yucky for me, Mom" every night at dinner, and has become quite picky. He's obsessed with locking and unlocking the doors, and has hidden my keys from me more than I would like to admit. He loves chewing gum, and will do most anything for a treat. He's my buddy. He's growing up and won't let me call him my baby anymore. :'( .. but he still lets me lay by him at night and he puts his hand on my face and tells me he loves me. His tender heart heals mine and helps bring purpose and peace to my life.
His unconditional love continues to be one of my greatest blessings.
May the 4th be with you :)
Claire {5}
Night Sky {2015}
There's no where I'd rather spend New Years (or any day) than in the mountains. As soon as we rang in the new year, and everyone else went to bed... I went outside in the -19 degree weather to see the night sky. I've always been fascinated with the stars and wished that I could capture their beauty. The moon was nearly full, and much too bright... but it was still beautiful. I can't wait to try again on a darker night.
Happy New Year :)
beach {personal}
mine {personal}
Happy Halloween!
“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, For all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” -Helen Keller
mortimer {family}
Sorensen {family}
claire {personal}
My little Claire turned 4. She's such a hoot and we love her dearly.
It was so cold outside, so we opted for a shoot in her room.... she loved it!