claire {kindergrten}

It was *finally* Claire's turn to start Kindergarten today! She's been driving us both crazy all week waiting for her turn.

 We were both totally thrilled, and she jumped on that bus happily and never looked back. :)


Claire and I had picked out a cute dress for her first day... that is, until she saw this shirt in the exercise section at Old Navy and she nearly died. "Mom!! It has thumb holes and a pocket for my hands in the front and it's SO comfortable!!!" ... Nothing else would do after that.  In the car on the way home I said, "I thought you wanted to wear the dress?" and she said "What can I say Mom? I'm just so much like you." :) Yes, I'd pick exercise clothes over almost anything else, she's got me pegged.  :)


She also insisted on wearing one of my "special necklaces" to school so she could think of me all day. She chose the little camera necklace and I didn't have the heart to tell her no. She is so funny. DSC_0440blog

Her little freckles and dark eye leashes kill me... Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetIMG_1250DSC_0469blogGraham and I only wish Kindergarten lasted a little longer.. ;)